TasTAFE-trained automotive apprentices recognised

Published on: 22 Jul 2024

Jack West and 2 men on a stage accepting an award

Two TasTAFE-trained automotive apprentices – Jack West and Ben Moore – were among the winners at the 2024 Automotive Industry Awards, presented on 29 June in Melbourne.

Recognising outstanding achievements in the automotive industry, the awards were co-hosted by the Tasmanian and Victorian Automotive Chambers of Commerce (TACC and VACC).

Jack won the ‘TACC Apprentice of the Year’ title: he’s working at Bocchino Motors – European Technology Bodyworks in Hobart and studying a Certificate III in Automotive Body Repair Technology.

Ben took home the ‘TACC Progressive Excellence’ award: he’s working at Tilford Auto Group in Hobart and studying a Certificate III in Light Vehicle Automotive Technology.

“It was a bit stressful on the day,” Ben said, “because our flight was delayed by four hours. But we made it! It was good fun – we were very well looked after.”

Ben was modest about the win: “I think it’s just because I'm progressing through TAFE at a consistent pace and I'm where I need to be…but I'm pretty pleased with it.”

He was also positive about how his studies at TasTAFE have skilled him up for success in the automotive industry – particularly with the European cars he works on at Tilford.

“There’s a real variety of equipment at TAFE.”

Ben also had good things to say about his co-learners at TasTAFE.

“We all know each other and help each other and learn from each other…which really helps, both at TAFE and at work.”

Congratulations to Jack West and Ben Moore, our two TasTAFE 2024 Automotive Industry Award winners.

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