Student acceptable use of Information & Communication Technology at TasTAFE
This Acceptable use of Information and Communication Technology Policy for Students has been developed by TasTAFE to ensure students understand their specific rights and responsibilities in relation to use of TasTAFE ICT resources.
Prior to logging on to TasTAFE ICT resources all students indicate their agreement to the usage requirements contained within this policy.
It is expected that the use of TasTAFE ICT resources comply with relevant state and Commonwealth laws.
It should be noted that while some uses of TasTAFE ICT resources may not constitute criminal activity, they may breach standards of conduct expected of TasTAFE Students and therefore considered inappropriate use.
Any misuse of TasTAFE ICT resources is strictly prohibited.
Misuse includes, but is not limited to:
- Inappropriate material
- accessing and/or attempting to access, downloading and/or attempting to download, sending, displaying, disseminating, transmitting, storing, or viewing by or through whatever means any material which is;
- of a pornographic or sexually explicit nature or other material with a sexual context that may be considered offensive, obscene, or inappropriate for the learning environment.
- Discriminatory Material
- profane, discriminatory, harassing, defamatory, confronting, or similarly inappropriate for the classroom/workplace.
- Inappropriate material may include, but is not limited to, jokes, emails, images, video files, sound bites, screensavers, internet links, or any other formats containing, for example, profane language, acts of violence (including violence or denigration of women), or discriminatory or harassing content.
- Humiliating others
- engaging in conduct using TasTAFE ICT resources that offends, humiliates, intimidates, insults, or ridicules another person.
- Distribution of information
- engaging in conduct using Web2 technologies and resources such as blogs, wikis, social networking sites (Facebook, Twitter etc.) that presents personal views, ideas, questions, or actions that conflict with Code of Conduct policy.
- the initiation and/or distribution of unauthorised and unsolicited information of a social, political, religious, or commercial nature using TasTAFE ICT resources.
- Unauthorised access
- the unwarranted or unauthorised access, duplication of, or distribution of client, staff or other confidential information or records belonging to TasTAFE.
- the unauthorised access or use of any system, account, password, or mailbox of or via TasTAFE ICT resources.
- forging or misrepresenting identity using electronic facilities and/or performing any activity using an anonymous or misleading identity.
- Conflict of Interest and Copyright
- undertaking private commercial activities using TasTAFE ICT resources or facilities
- downloading, installing, transmitting, publishing, and accessing/using unlicensed software or information without TasTAFE approval and/or in a way that violates copyright law.
Consequences of misuse
A Student who disregards or commits a serious or persistent breach of these guidelines will face disciplinary action in accordance with TasTAFE’s Student Code of Conduct.
If a breach of criminal law has occurred, the matter will be referred to Tasmania Police.
Monitoring and management of ICT resources
All TasTAFE ICT resources are the property of TasTAFE, which reserves the right to monitor the use of these resources.
Bring Your Own Technology (BYOT)
- TasTAFE supports the BYOT approach and the powerful learning opportunities BYOT devices can provide to learners.
- BYOT will not be used as a replacement for TasTAFE providing relevant technology for learner use.
- BYOT is optional for all learners. Learners who do not BYOT will not be disadvantaged.
- All costs associated with BYOT are the responsibility of the individual.
- Learners must comply with all relevant legislative requirements, copyright, codes of practice, policies, procedures, and any other requirements regarding BYOT, including the Acceptable Use of Information Communication Technology Policy and Procedures and Code of Conduct
- Learners must be aware of the importance of courtesy, consideration, and respect for others whenever they are using a BYOT device.
- TasTAFE staff support for Learner BYOT is limited to providing information, advice, and ad hoc support for connection of BYOT devices to the Wi-Fi network.